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no you don't. You only have to pay for the broadband internet. The actual wireless router is a one time fee.

You should purchase your router and not rent it, but both options are available with many internet service providers. You can also purchase and add the router yourself once you have Internet Service

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Q: Do you have to pay monthly with a wireless router?
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Does xbox live work with your wireless router?

Yes, your xbox can connect with your wireless router. You must buy the wireless add on for the xbox. If you don't wish to pay $100 for the wireless add on, you can just connect an ethernet cable from router into the xbox.

Are there other requirements to Xbox live then just the router?

You need to pay a subsciption fee and if you are using a wireless router than you need wireless internet.

How do you Obtain Free WiFi?

Most stores will give you a free wireless router. It's pretty easy, all you have to do is make a donation to their store equal to the number it says on the price tag of the router. Oh, and you also have to pay for the monthly service.

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wireless modem is called that because it has a wirelss router built in. wireless router just a wireless router. if your cable is not wireless you can buy a wireless router or a cable modem with wireless router

Is wifi and Internet on the iPod touch free?

Yes, if you already have a wireless router (wi-fi) and the pay the monthly service, then yes it is free. There is no additional charge for using the internet on ipod touch.

Benefits of wireless router?

It really depends on the type of router you get. Usually you have to pay a little bit more in order to get a router with firewall protection.

What is the price range for an 8 port wireless router?

The average price range for an 8 port wireless router is $150.00 to $200.00. If the router is purchased online you may also have to pay for the cost of shipping.

You have 2 computers you want connected to the modem and one wireless what do you use?

a wireless modem means it has a wireless router built in. A wireless router means just a wireless router. if your modem is not wireless, you will need just a wireless router

Which is better Wireless Router or Wireless AP?

It is most definitely a wireless router.

Do you have to pay month-to-month for Wi-fi when you already have a router?

no you do not have to pay monthly for a router, you buy the router outright from a shop or get it off your internet provider and then just pay the internet provider monthly for the internet connection.

Is a Time Warner cable wireless router a wireless N router?

it says it on the router

Do you need a wireless router and a wireless modem?