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Only those who aren't really interested in a lasting, commited relationship.

AnswerAbusive women yes. They want you to think they are a limited time offer and you better do and they want as sooo many men want them. Its a crock. They play this game to keep you hooked. When she pulls that crap just say something like, that's nice. Dont show any emotion about it. If she asks if it bothers you1 say NO. Dont let her see weakness in you. She is insecure and is testing you to see how much you care. Have you shown her you care? AnswerYes but it could be because they read it in some magazine:))Anyway some might do that because they think its a way to keep the spark in the relationship or to make their guy jealous or so that this will bring them closer to each other...(as in she wouldn't seem desperate for him and have the control in the relationship)
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Q: Do women play mind games to make you think they could be unfaithful?
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No, the society didn't even allow women to watch

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Maybe I don't no