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All canines, above anything else: owing to some struggle between their ancestors, vampires and all canines hate each other more strongly than anything else. Water: Vampires avoid total immersion in water whenever possible, because the water evaporating on their skin lowers their body temperature to the point where it is no longer quite as pleasurable to drink blood. Fire: Fire symbolizes death to all vampires, even previous pyromaniacs. Garlic: It smells uncomfortably like decaying vampire corpses.

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13y ago

As vampires require blood in order to live, I would assumed that they do not hate blood. Whether or not they dislike having to feed on blood in order to live, I couldn't tell you.

I'm popular books, such as the Twilight Saga and the Vampire Diaries, several of the characters have found that they dislike drinking human blood, for reasons of compassion or disgust at what they are. As such, they have taken to drinking the blood of animals instead. In this context it could be assumed that these vampires hate the blood of humans, and as such have found other methods of attaining what they need.

As for non-human animals such as Vampire Bats, I would assume they have no issue with it, or even question why they feed on blood other than to live.

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14y ago

The Cross!

As vampires are fictional creatures the answer is very subjective.

Bram Stoker's vampires were repelled by the cross, as were the vampires created by Joss Weadon and many others.

Tanya Huff's vampires were repelled by all religious symbols (the cross, the star of David, the Om, etc)

Christopher Moore's vampires had no problem at all with any religious symbols. This also applies to the Vampires in the novels by Charlene Harris, MaryJanice Davidson and many others.

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