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  • umm... i kindof am one... just so y'all know, it's not so muchfun being one either. i read that sentence, "Incapable of realhuman attachment to another." i don't even know what that is, i see it,i approximate it... it's like being outside a door looking through adirty window and watching re-runs of people I've seen in love or withchildren or with friends, and scratching, sometimes banging at theglass to get in and... nothing. I'm fond of people in every sense ofthe word, their little quirks and habits, the way they see life, exceptif they went away it wouldn't bother me much other than finding someoneelse to be fond of. i don't have friends, i only date military menbecause they're ok with only having a girlfriend for a couple monthsand i tell them in advance i won't wait for them... i don't know whatelse to do to limit the damage i inflict on others just as a result ofthem knowing me, short of moving to the mountains... but i still movebetween 2-5 times a year :( it's kindof hard walking around knowingi'll never have what i see making other people so happy and runningwhen i can tell someone is getting close just because i don't want tohurt them more later down the road... i'd like it alot to settle down,i WANT to be able to feel more with people, but it's hard to miss whatyou never had. i want what i THINK it would feel like... it'd be easyto give in and let someone stay because I'm so lonely... but hey, i'vewritten enough, just know i try to be a responsible little sociopath, iwon't ever get married or have kids, i practice safe sex, i won't stayin one city for long... everything you all take for granted i willnever let myself have just because i WANT to take it for granted. beinglike this won't go away so hopefully i can limit the amount of hatethrown my way by limiting my interaction with people, i don't know whatelse to do. and you all might not belive this, but i am sorry,hopefully i can speak for the other people who have damaged your lives.

Someone else made the Comment: The above testimony is clearly not indicative of asociopath because they seem to make efforts to keep from harmingothers, even if it doesn't benefit themselves.

And my own Personal comment here: I am living in a group home run by a deeplyempathic and compassionate woman who believes that sociopaths need somekind of help, including medication, and to this end she has helped tosupport me as I searched for a therapist who wouldn't slam the door inmy face as though I had the plague!

I was diagnosed as a "primary psychopath" in 1992. It took MORE THANTEN YEARS after that to locate a therapist who was brave enough to takeme on.

Even then, she had to adapt at first, learning that, no, itdoesn't automatically make me lie about everything...

And that, no, I'm notabsolutely hopeless, despite the "very poor" prognosis the clinicalpsychologist who originally diagnosed me insisted on including in hisown report on me.

To my face, he told me I have "no soul," that he couldn't imagine anysane person wanting to be my friend, and that no emotion I everexpressed was real.

If I cried during a session, he'd snap at me to cut the act, no one was buying it.

Once I was unhappy about impending surgery and he lit into me, callingme "Rebel Without A Cause," which drives me up a wall, sneering at mewith contempt and refusing to accept that what I actually felt was fearand depression. Oh, that's right, I don't have any feelings; I'm just a"fembot"!


I was sexually assaulted a number of times while growing up, thefirst at age six; he claimed it was consensual because psychopathicfemales are "all nymphos"!

So. Thanks to all the verbal vitriol this man (who is highly esteemedin the professional community, or at least he claimed he is, when hewas bragging to me about what a great man he was, when he wasn'ttelling me I had a massive ego and that I thought I was the center ofthe universe, which frankly I never have) put into my file, no onewanted to touch my case. I even had trouble finding a regular doctorand a dentist!!!

MY POINT HERE IS THIS: although you must not allow anyone to abuse you,REMEMBER AS WELL THAT PSYCHOPATHS ARE IN FACT LIVING MEMBERS OF THEHUMAN RACE. Defending yourself against a psychopath is one thing;attacking someone just for being one is quite another. I do not need tohave a conscience to see that!

Meaning that certain healthcare givers who smiled grimly andknowingly when looking at my file, and who then have roughed me up orverbally battered me or even hit me, in clinical settings, plus allthose so very pious folks who constantly preach that scum like me oughtto be lined up and shot, are WRONG.

How can people know I'm "totally hopeless" if they never give me achance? The therapist I see now is doing just that, and that, incombination with medications that change the ways my nervous systemfunctions, seems to be helping me. Which, of course, is supposedlyimpossible.

Well. It's happening anyway, and there are other ones outthere too!

So... Any others out there in WikiAnswers?

Another psychopath (sociopath) wrote this on another answer:

Sociopaths, though born that way, are people too. To avoid an entiregroup of people is absurd. That's like saying, "Since these people havedark skin, everyone should completely avert themselves from them." I ama moderate sociopath, and though part of me doesn't want to change,another does. Many times it is really entertaining to see how stupidpeople can be, especially when they're so gullible as to believe everyword that mellifluously flows from my lips. Yes, I am parasitic, buteven so, there are some people I would like to stop hurting. I can'tfind any websites that can provide a way to help my sociopathy. Maybepeople like you should stop your self-victimisation and start trying toactually help people like me! I knew I was a sociopath before the ageof ten but have only recently had it officially diagnosed. I ameighteen years old now, and I have been lying and destroying others'sanity for a long time. So, please post some helpful tidbits that mighthelp sociopaths resist the sweet urges we get when we encounter weakhuman beings. When you cut us, do we not bleed? When you kill us, do wenot die? Do you honestly think that you're being lied to andmanipulated when we sincerely ask for help. Listen to yourselves! Thisis the internet; ergo, you're safe from our fortified mental grasp.

Anyone else?


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