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AnswerThey shouldn't if you have Windows, but they do if you have OS X, Linux, or another UNIX-based OS.

They slow it a bit as they use some of its virtual memory.

I doubt it very much, but will be interested to see the correct answer to this.

Yes they do slow down your computer. Particularly if you store big files on your desktop. Many people have like 40+ shortcut icons. One shortcut is roughly 25Kba big multiply that by how many icons you have and there you are. The solution is:

Remove all the big files from your desktop. If your hard disk is full get some external usb hard disk and move all your movies and pictures there. Then update you antivirus and antispyware and run a full scan. After that a defragmentation is a good idea. If the problems still persist then you should use a decent registry cleaner. If you are not sure which one to use maybe you could do what I did. Visit the

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Q: Do icons on your desktop slow your computer down?
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A theme itself will not slow down your computer noticeably. Windows Aero however might. I personally don't do a lot of heavy use on my computer, so I leave Aero on. If you find your computer very slow, you might want to consider disabling it. Here is how: Right-click your desktop and selsct personalize. Scroll down to the Basic and High Contrast theme section and choose Windows Basic. This disables Aero, and speeds up your computer a little bit. Other tips are available at the link below.

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