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Q: Do goats have cloven feet
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Do goats have cloven hoofs?

Yes, cows have two toes on each leg and each toe has a hoof. This is referred to as a cloven hoof, in the old belief that the hoof had been split or cleaved from the single hoof of a horse or similar animal.

What is the genus of horned cloven hoofed mammals which goats belong?

Capra bovid

What animals have cloven or split hooves?

Cows, sheep, goats. Plus some others.

What is the difference between a goat and a zebra?

fur these animals have many, many differences. one, they are not even in the same order. goats have cloven feet, unlike horses. horses do not chew their cud. and there is also the size difference. goats have horns. these are just some of the differences.

What are cloven hoofed animals?

Cloven hoofed animals are mammals that have hooves that are divided into two distinct toes, such as cows, sheep, deer, and pigs. These animals are part of the order Artiodactyla and are commonly found in various habitats around the world.

What host does hoof and mouth disease affect?

animals with cloven hooves (cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and deer)

What are the feet of bovines called?

Hooves - cattle are cloven-hoofed ruminants.

Is it cow have hooves?

"Cow have hooves" is not correct. Cow is a 3rd person singular subject, but have is used for 3rd person plural subjects."Cows have hooves."or"A cow has hooves."

How do billy goats climb up mountains?

Billy goats climb up mountains using their back feet. The Billy goats have dewclaws on the backs of their feet to use for gripping.

Do goats have split hooves?

Cloven hooves is a evolutionary process with the only possible explanation being because they live in a variety of environments that needs them to have two hooved toes to grip a surface that a horse's hoof could have trouble with. Other than that, there really is no real explanation.

There are goats and chickens the animals have a total of 100 heads and 360 feet how many chickens and goats are there?

there are 80 goats and 20 chickens.

What do deer and goats have in common?

Deer and goats are both ungulates, which means they have hooves and are herbivores. They also both have a similar digestive system that allows them to efficiently extract nutrients from plants. Additionally, both deer and goats are known to be nimble and able to navigate rugged terrain with ease.