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Q: Do cephalopods have a radula
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A row of tiny teeth found in gastropods and cephalopods is called?

I believe you're referring to a structure called a Radula.

What phylum does radula belong to?

The radula belongs to the phylum Mollusca. It is a feeding structure found in most classes of mollusks, such as snails, slugs, and some cephalopods like octopuses. The radula is a ribbon-like structure covered in rows of tiny teeth that are used to scrape or shred food.

Mollusks except for the filter feeding bivalves have a specialized feeding organ known as the?

radula. The radula is a tongue-like organ equipped with rows of small, chitinous teeth that are used to scrape or rasp food particles off surfaces. It is primarily found in gastropods such as snails and slugs, but is also present in other mollusk groups like chitons and some cephalopods.

What two features do cephalopods share with humans that other mollusks do not?

Cephalopods are a phylum of mollusks that include squids, octopi, the chambered nautilus, and cuttlefish. All cephalopods have tentacles, most are carnivores, and they are all mollusks. All mollusks have a radula, or toothy tongue, a mantle, or thin layer of tissue that covers the organs and makes the shell, and a muscular foot.

What are some phylum mollusca charateristics?

Mollusca is a phylum of invertebrates that typically have a soft body covered by a hard shell. They possess a muscular foot for movement, a visceral mass containing internal organs, and a mantle that secretes the shell. Most mollusks also have a radula, a rasping organ used for feeding.

Do oysters have a radula?

No. Oysters do not have a radula

What is an adaptation of a mollusk?

Some adaptations of mollusks include an operculum that most univalves have for protection, the radula of the moon snail that is used to drill through other shells to get their food, and the jet propulsion movement and ink sac of cephalopods to escape predators. - a jeark

What do cephalopods eat?

What do Cephalopods eat?

What are two adaptations of a garden snail?

Some adaptations of mollusks include an operculum that most univalves have for protection, the radula of the moon snail that is used to drill through other shells to get their food, and the jet propulsion movement and ink sac of cephalopods to escape predators.

What type of mollusk does not have a radula?

The radula (or some form of the radula) is found in all classes of mollusks except bivalves (organisms with two shells such as clams).

Class without the radula in molluscs?

One class of molluscs that lacks a radula is the Bivalvia, which includes clams, mussels, and scallops. Instead of a radula, these organisms have two shells that they use to filter feed. They do not require a radula for scraping or grazing on food sources like other molluscs.

What eat cephalopods?

Sharks eat cephalopods