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No the Master Chief did not join Noble Team. There are three(3) reasons as to why this is so. Firstly, Halo: Reach is a prequel to the Halo video game series, thus if the Master Chief and Noble Six(6) were to be the same person than Noble 6's death would have killed the Master Chief before his story line started.

Secondly in the second last level of Halo: Reach a AI (Artificial Intelligence) chooses Noble 6 to deliver a package to the Pillar of Autumn, which the Master Chief is aboard, to assist in the escape. This can be referenced from Halo 2 as they "burned their planet, but one ship escaped". The Elite is referring to Reach when he speaks of the planet and the Pillar of Autumn as the ship.

Finally after completing the second last level of Halo: Reach as the Pillar of Autumn flies past and Captain Keys makes a quote from Halo (or Halo: Combat Evolved) if you look carefully at one of the windows you can see the Master Chief. Seeing as Noble 6 is still on Reach, proved by the last level (Lone Wolf), These characters cannot be the same persona.

To sum up all of what I have said the Master Chief did not join Noble Team as it would require him to die before his storyline and also it would require him to be in two(2) places at once.

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Q: Did master chief join noble team?
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master chief. the whole noble team died in the end of reach. master chief hasn't died in any of the halo games yet. he has much better training than them too

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They have already made halo reach which does not include master chief the people replacing him are the noble team. Although at the end of the game in a cut scene you can see master chief in a tube where he is being preserved.

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The noble team is the team of 6 spartans on reach that fought to defend the planet against covenant forces. Master Chief was the only surviving member, who was entrusted with Cortona the hope of humanity.

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im not sure. im sure that you play as a new recruit in the noble team(six - strong team of spartans) but i am not sure if master chief appears i n the game. ive heard he doesant

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No, you play as Spartan B312, he's pretty much a nameless character, he's the new guy in Noble Team.

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the whole game is based upon the fall of reach. and masterchief is the only spartan left so yeah noble team is not supposed to survive. EDIT: Noble team does die, but Master Chief is not the only Spartan II soldier alive. Read in the books of Halo: Fall of Reach, Uprising etc EDIT2:All of Noble team dies except for Jun (Team Sniper) who escorts the scientist off reach to Shield planet where more then likely the next halo will take place. So no though Master Chief and his big ego survived the Spartan Program on Reach, He wasn't the only one.

Where was the master chief trained to be a UNSC spartan?

if you read the halo books it shows you how master chief became a spartan when he was a little kid.he grew up on planet reach after they kidnapped him to become a spartan.he was the leader of his team,much like in halo reach the game how you have noble team the master chief had his own noble team of Spartans.The first book you should read is called The Fall of Reach,thats the first book in the halo book series which takes place before the halo reach videogame.its not too much back before it but like maybe 30 years or less before the game.hopes this answers your question! :)

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Beta Wolf 8 according to the books

What other teams are on reach besides noble?

master chiefs team and im pretty sure thiers red team blue team and omega team

What character do you get to be in halo reach?

Buck Buck is the leader of the Rookie's squad from Halo 3: ODST. He is voiced by Nathan Fillion. Carter-259 The leader of Noble Team in Halo: Reach, Carter-259 aka Noble 1 is a Spartan-III. He, along with player controlled Noble 6, Kat-320, Jorge-052, Emile-239 and Jun-266 make up the rest of Noble Team comprised of both Spartan II's and III's. Cortana Taken from Dr Halsey, Cortana picks Noble 6 to take her to the Pillar of autumn. Dr. Catherine Halsey Dr. Catherine Halsey is a civilian scientist in the UNSC. She is the founder of the the SPARTAN-II Project and was responsible for the recruitment of Master Chief. Emile-239 A Spartan-III Part of Noble team. Height 6`10 Weight 234 lbs Born 3/11/2523 He also goes by Noble 4. He works in Commander Carter's group of Spartans. Jacob Keyes Takes Cortana off of Noble 6 and takes her aboard the Pillar of Autumn. Offers to take Noble 6 with him but Noble 6 refuses. Jorge-052 Jorge-052 is a member of Noble Team from Halo: Reach and a Class-I Spartan-II. He works in Commander Carter's group of Spartans, answering to the call sign Noble Five. Jun-266 Jun-266 is a SPARTAN-III soldier and a member of Noble team. He is an expert marksman, preferring to use his sniper rifle to pick off targets from long range. He works in Commander Carter's group of Spartans. Kat-320 Catherine-320 is a member of Noble Team in Halo: Reach and a Spartan-III. Her right arm is cybernetic, due to a war injury sustained protecting Carter-259. Kat and Carter are the last remaining members of the original Noble. Her callsign is Noble Two. Master Chief Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 a.k.a. "The Master Chief" is a SPARTAN-II Commando and is the cybernetically and surgically enhanced super-soldier protagonist of the Halo series. Spartan-312 The protagonist and playable character of Halo: Reach, Spartan-312 is a Spartan-III supersoldier-commando assigned t

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