Two. Will you be There for Free Willy and Childhood for Free Willy 2
There is 4 free willy movies
The duration of Free Willy is 1.87 hours.
No, no robot replaced Keiko [1977-December 12, 2003] in any of the films. The orca was the real live whale in 'Free Willy 1' [1993], 'Free Willy 2' [1995], and 'Free Willy 3' [1997]. But he won't be seen in the upcoming 'Free Willy 4: Escape from Pirate's Cove' [2010].
Free Willy was created on 1993-07-16.
"Keiko" who was featured as Willy in the Free Willy films was first captured near Iceland in 1979 .
The plot of Free Willy, is to free the whale from captivity. The character's in the film believe that Willy needs to be released into it's natural habitat.
The original Free Willy was released July 16, 1993.
an indian prayer
The duration of Free Willy - TV series - is 1980.0 seconds.
Free Willy - TV series - was created on 1994-09-24.
Free Willy - TV series - ended on 1994-11-26.