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According to SE Cloud and Tifa confirm their mutual romantic feelings (revealed in the Lifestream) to each other "without words" under the Highwind. After the game they begin living together and eventually raise Marlene and Denzel together.

So to answer the question. No they did not date. They skipped that and went straight to living together and raising a family.

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No they are not married, they grew up as childhood friends and Cloud always had a soft spot for Tifa, after joining Soldier and with the events of Crisis Core and Final Fantasy 7 Cloud became distant, and different from his old self, I believe deep down he has feelings for Tifa, despite the feelings he once had for Aeris but, the only time I see him openly reveal them is at the end of Final Fantasy Advent Children when a certain smile is shared between the two.

But as a proper answer to your question, no they are not married.

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Cloud Strife does not have a girlfriend in the Final Fantasy VII franchise. Although he is close with Aerith/Aeris Gainsborough and Tifa Lockhart.

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Go to wikipedia, or simply type in either Cloud Strife or Tifa Lockhart in the google images search bar. There is a problem with uploading pictures here, sorry.

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Coud probably gave it to Tifa as a gift that means that he cares for her and consider that she's his family. not really..... tifa owns the wolf like ring.

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Nope. He loves Tifa and they are in a relationship. Despite Aerith and Sephiroth tryin to butt in. They maintain their love and relationship.

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Tifa does have a wolf ring. Best guess is that Cloud gave it to her.

Who is Cloud strife in love with?

Tifa, as was revealed in the lifestream sequence. And then later confirmed under the Highwind. And backed up by every single Ultimania SE has published on FFVII.