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Death Knight don't wear "DK Armor", they can wear anything from cloth to plate. In a DK's first 4-6 levels you can get armor and weapons that no one else can get because they are rewards for DK only quests. If the other plate wearing classes could get it, they also could wear the armor.

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Q: Death knight armor
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How do you unlock deathknight armor in dragonfable?

Death Knight armor is unlockable from Artix in Doomwood/Necropolis, after you complete the quest chain. You will need to have unlocked Paladin and Necromancer first, the Death Knight armor is trained in the same way.

Where do you get the death knight armor in dragonfable?

no you goto necropolis defaet all the quests except the last one now become a plaidan and fully train it then goto other class and pick the top one full train it now go back to other classes and pick death knight and give the ghost a undead slayer medal and the deathsword comes with the armor

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First you need to become a Paladin and a Necromancer. Train both fully and then visit Artix. Click on other classes and then click on Death Knight. This will bring you to Sir Malifact's tomb. You can purchase and train the Death Knight armor from there.

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Armor. A knight in shining ARMOR.

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A knight in shining armor is refering to the medieval ages when knights armor was cleaned and polished. When a knight would return from a battle or conquest, he could of been said to being a knight in shining armor.

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it protected them from being shot with arrows and swords.

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A knight in shining armor is a hero who rescues you in a romantic way.

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The homophone of a soldier who wore armor is knight, and the opposite of day is night.

How do you get the black knight armor in AQWorlds?

1.First you have to do quest to get the black knight's orb and then you are able to get into the shop. 2. The black knight armor is is AC.

How do you get lichs armor?

You cannot get the Lich King's armor. However, if you wish to get armor that looks similar, there is level 80 plate in Naxxramas that resembles Death Knight armor. Similarly, the pieces of Deathbone plate armor that drop in Scholomance (level 58-60) also have a similar style.

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