

Creature breeder cheats

Updated: 10/20/2022
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12y ago

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Here's what you do.


Make a fake account.You automaticly get a free creature,bonsai tree,and food barrel.Sell the food barrel,favorite your real account,propose the creature to your real account,log off the fake account,go to real account,accept proposal for the creature,log off,go back to fake account,make 9 more farms and buy 9 more bonsai trees,putting them in the other 9 farms.Wait over night(i prefer to wait 3 days) then go on the fake account and harvest the money from the tree's.INSTANT money! Go to your real account and bid the money you harvested on an old age creature.Log off.log onto real account,accept the bid.And your ri-i-ich.

btw,this is fake accounts are-

chris jr


J.J here


When it's night time in the wild(depends where you live.For me it's right after 8 pm) go in wild,go south(down),then east(left) till you come to 3 colums.One is an old one,falling apart.The twilight vine will be right in the middle.But it's very rare for a twilight vine to be there at all.


Choose the creature you want to breed,go to the breeding the breed button and while its still loading change the other creature to a diffrent mate and click the breed button.OR if you computer runs slow you dont have to change mates at all.You can click the breed button a tons of times and get tons of eggs.I have proof,check my mibbers34 farm.I got some creatures in there (like 4) that got the same mom and dad then like 4 or 5 that have the same mom and dad.It's awesome


Create a fake account.tell NO ONE it's your account.send a awesome design from your real account to the fake one,sell the food barrel and buy a melon patch or berry tree(add some richy touch),send the free creature you get from your fake account to your real account,send some creatures(all ages) to your fake account.then go to your fake account.Once someone bids money on one of your designs on your real account wait a couple hours then on your fake account,bid a little higher than the real bidder.Go to your real account and tell the real bidder they've been outbid.Most likely they will bid higher than the 'other bidder'.Bid higher than them on your fake account after a few hours,tell the real bidder they've been out bid again.Repeat this process till you get the desireable amount.

IMPORTANT-When you get outbid on your fake account,on your real account post on your fake account that 'they' got outbid.make it seem real

After you sell the design,send the design you sent to your fake account,back to your real account with all the creatures then delete that account.Unless you wanna keep it for more 'bidding wars'.BUT if the real bidder doesnt bid higher,on your fake account post on your real account that your withdrawing your bid.Tell the real bidder about that.You should be fine.I've never done this myself but my cousin does and he's RICH

Yours Truly(or partially.:P),


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