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why do u need a cheatcode if u finished the senario & can go to sakura in the forest & climb trees & get 15,000 ryo every time u climb

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Q: Cheatcode to Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 to unlock unlimited money?
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You don't unlock him, what you do is wait for ultimate ninjaYeah But The Bad News Is If Your Not in Europe You Can Forget Sasori & You Can Also Forget Ultimate Ninja 5

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he is not in it

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you cant until ultimate ninja 5 or narutimate accel 2

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You can't unlock him. He isn't playable until Ultimate Ninja 3

Code to unlock Sasuke in Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4?

there is no code sasuke comes at the start of the game,but if you are talking about shippuden sasuke he is not in naruto ultimate ninja 4

What game can you can you get Narutos dad?

Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 unlock all the characters and you will get Naruto's dad the yellow fash