In Sims 2 you can open 2 types of bars. Residential bars can be placed in residential lots or a community bar can be placed on a 2 by 3 plot of land in a community lot. Community bars will spawn a bartender.
You have to install the 'Unleashed' add-on. (They are not all residential lots but you can make them into residential lots by building over them)
ctrl+shift+c changelotzoning residential. then your community lot is a residential lot.... your welcome
you can't, it has to be a community lot.
You don't.
Once you have placed the lot you can't change it to a community lot but when you are placing a lot it asks you wether you want it to be a community lot or a residential lot hope that helps :)
There isn't a cheat for that, babies and toddlers can not got to community lots.
You can, but only on community lots when you buy the lot and then you click "build on this lot", it is in community items
the sims 2 is really good if you like lots of different paths for your sim to take the sims 3 is good if you like high detail and not very many community lots but lots of new ways to do things (i have played the sims since 2003)
Yes buy a car or call for transportation and you can go to community lots.
Make an empty lot, then make it a community lot. When you go there WITHOUT PEOPLE, then you can build it with all the extra stuff for community lots. But I have double deluxe. It might not be the same on Sims 2.
It is easy to make a pub on the Sims 3. But you need to buy "The Sims 3 Night Life" first. Bridgeport is a good place to start. find an empty lot, click on it's tag, then switch it from residential to community. - and then under community name it pub, or bar. Then you can build on it, and Sims all around your town will be talking about your new pub.