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Q: Can you use permethrin two days in a row safely?
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How many times a week can you apply Permethrin cream?

I did two days in a row and after 24 hours from my last application I've yet to suffer any noticeably negative side effects. I dare not venture any further.

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When did the New York stock exchange close for two days in a row?

The New York Stock Exchange closed for two days in a row during the Great Blizzard of 1888 and during Hurricane Sandy of 2012.

Is it safe to dye your hair two days in a row?

depends how thick your hair is !!

Can a person have anesthesia two days in a row?

Yes, if the anesthesiologist says it is ok.

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Can your fiancee use two today sponges two days in a row?

Yes, you can use the sponge as often as you have sex.

Can you color your hair two days in a row if you dont like the color?

You can certainly color your hair for 2 days in a row if you'd like. This isn't healthy but it shouldn't cause extensive damage either.

Can the turkey baster method work if you do it two days in a row?

ew, no. one time is enough

If a hawk lands in the same tree two days in a row does it mean anything?

It is just hunting for food.

How long would it take to row from Boston to New Hampshire?

it would take two to three days