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no. if it says that you have to be online then you have have xbox live. if it just says get a bulltrue medal then i think u can just do it on you're xbox i'm not sure

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Q: Can you unlock Emile's helmet on halo reach without xbox live?
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How do you unlock emile's skull helmet carving in Halo Reach?

Simple: you must be rank commander or higher. Emiles helmet is a helmet of its own.

How do you unlock emiles helmet for your halo reach guy?

For EVA u hav to be a major but Emile's helmet with da skull on it u hav to be i think a colonel

How do unlock emiles knife on halo reach?

It should be standard on the right security shoulder.

What rank do you have to be to unlock emiles knife on halo reach?

You have to be a general, and you can only get the knife on the right shoulder

How do you unlock emile's helmet in the armory of halo reach?

First, you have to buy the base E.V.A. helmet, which you unlock at Major. After that, you can purchase a special accesory for it, which is Emile's paint on his helmet. It costs 60,000 credits, though, so start saving up.

How do you unlock emile's helmet in halo reach?

Do a bulltrue in matchmaking to unlock the avatar award.

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He is wearing the Commando helmet that you unlock by ranking up.

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What are the halo reach awards and how do you get them?

Halo Reach awards are Avatar Items gifted for Challenges set in the game they are all of Noble teams Helmets (except for Noble 6) To get them you have to do the Challenges that are asked *emiles Helmet: Earn a Bultrue medal In matchmaking *Jun's Helmet: Kill 200 enimes in Firefight without dying *Jorges Helmet: Earn a Killtacular Medal In matchmaking *Kats Helmet: Avenge a Death in Matchmaking *Carters Helmet: Complete a Mission on campaign Legendary without dying Noble 6 helmet was a Exclusive at the SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) in 2010

What rank can you get all helmets on halo reach?

Inheritor, the last rank in the game. The last helmet, the Haunted Helmet, is the Pilot Helmet with a skull on it. To unlock it, you must reach the rank Inheritor, and own every BASE helmet in the game.

How do you unlock Jorge's chest armor in halo reach?

You have to be an warrant officer in halo reach to unlock the helmet you also have to go to halowaypoint and unlock the armor.