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Q: Can you turn off black ops dlc maps for multiplayer?
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How do you unlock more multiplayer maps on call of duty world at war?

With the purchase of the DLC bundle

When will the cod zombie map moon come to ps3?

The map will never be available by itself. It will only be part of the Rezurrection Black Ops DLC released on September 22 2011 for $15. The good news is that the DLC also includes the WAW zombie maps that have been upgraded with Black Ops weapons and 4 Multiplayer maps

What maps will b in black ops map pack 1?

The DLC pack is called First Strike and contains the Multiplayer maps; Kowloon, based off of the campaign, Stadium, Discovery and Berlin wall. There is also a bonus Zombie map called Ascension.

When is the zombie dlc for black ops going to be released?

If you mean the 4 World at War zombie maps it most likely will never be released. What was released was one zombie map and other multiplayer maps for first strike and the next one Escalation will also only have one zombie map along with multiplayer maps. It is also likely that the Nintendo Wii will never get any extra Call of Duty maps

How do you get waw maps for black ops?

Rezurrection DLC will include the maps along with zombie map Moon

How many maps are there in Black ops?

For Multiplayer:There is 13,Including DLC 1:There is 17.Zombies:There is 3,Including DLC 1:There is 4.In case you can't work it out, DLC 1 has (5) maps altogether.Hope this helps.

How do you get all 7 zombie maps in black ops?

You can actually get 11 if you purchase the 4 DLCs Rezurrection DLC will include the 4 WAW maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon and is the 4th DLC

Does halo ODST have forge mode?

No. ODST doesn't have multiplayer, excluding firefight (which can't be forged, and not even for matchmaking) and co-op campaign. But ODST does come with a Halo 3 multiplayer disc, which includes all of the original multiplayer maps and the DLC maps. That disc also includes forge mode.

Do i need all eed dlc for black ops muliplayer?

No you don't need any to play. There are 4 of them and if you only purchase one like I did it should be Rezurrection because it also includes the download for the 4 WAW zombie maps and is the best bargain because you get 5 zombie maps and 4 multiplayer maps

How many free maps are on black ops?

If you are speaking in terms of new DLC, there are none. The only "Free Maps" there are, are the ones that came with the games. Most DLC Packs are $15 and lower.

Do you have to have the same game to play multiplayer on the ps3?

Yes you do, but many times the same game might have different titles like game of the year edition or Greatest Hits edition. They are the same game. Editions are not different games and can play similar maps together. The old Hardened Edition of Black Ops could play the World at War Maps in Multiplayer with only other people who had the maps, but the could play other maps with the people who had the standard edition. If someone has a DLC that includes maps that you do not have you can not play any of those maps with them, but they can play multiplayer with you on any map or level that you both have

Can you play call of duty while maps are downloading?

No, you cannot play multiplayer over xbox live while downloading any DLC content.