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no we cant. we can only bring boonies and pets out like at the park ,all chat rooms and games ( E.c.t.... ).

i really like msp

so add me my name is clochette


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Q: Can you take zoo pet outside in Movie Star Planet?
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Can i take over your account on Movie Star Planet?

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How do you give away your pet in Movie Star Planet?

Movie Star Planet is a super cute online game where you can get pets to take care of, virtually. There are no instructions on how to give a pet away once you obtain it though.

How can you send star coins to other people in Movie Star Planet?

You Can't...Its Not Possible But It Should Be

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yo cant take them i tried but it dosent work sorry

How many days does it take for a pet on movie star planet to grow?

If not in a pet hotel 10 days

How do you take makeup off on moviestarplanet?

You click on your movie star planet character and click on their eye and it should come off

How do you make a music video on Movie Star Planet?

You need the program "Windows Movie Maker". Than take pics of your movie star. Than put the pics on your story board. You can add music from your How_do_you_make_MSP_TV_videos_on_moviestarplanettoo. So good luck!

How do you take off your vip membership on Movie Star Planet?

Login to your account. Then click settings. After that there will be icons. There will be one that says 'My Payments' Click on that.

How do you make MSP TV videos on Movie Star Planet?

You need the program "Windows Movie Maker". Than take pics of your movie star. Than put the pics on your story board. You can add music from your computer too. Plus you need a bum hole

How do write a status update on Movie Star Planet?

MovieStarPlanet is not made to take pictures, however it is made to upload pictures on to. You can make videos using the pictures you uploaded. You can also edit them and share them on Facebook and Twitter.