im sorry.... u cant. i even tried but i couldn't so ya i know it sucks. bye!
No, you cannot.
You can purchase Zeldia Twilight Princess for Nintendo Wii at many different trusted stores online. One store you can purchase Zelda Twilight Princess for Nintendo Wii is Amazon.
You can only use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk for The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess on the Nintendo Wii.
No, Twilight Princess is only available on the Nintendo Wii
Sonic Colors.
the wind waker is an inanimate object also its NOT IN TWILIGHT PRINCESS
Buy the game for the Wii or Gamecube.Insert the disc in your Wii or Gamecube.
Try Zelda: Twilight Princess
It is impossible to hack The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (for the Wii). For Gamecube, you can use Action Replay. Ok well, it isn't impossible to hack the Wii version of Twilight Princess. However, I do not recommend doing it and I will not go into detail.
Zelda Twilight Princess
On wii game store or buy it from the shop