Look on the side of your ps3 and there should be a slot where a hard drive is inserted... Unscrew the cover and remove the hard-drive before inserting it into your new ps3...
Just found out you can :D
When you buy the new hard drive it will most likely come with a transfer cable which will enable you to transfer all of your saved data from one hard drive to another.
send it 2 sony and probz yeh so0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...........j2 lol nubcake
Yes, the Arcade 360 is able to have either the 20, 60, or 120 gb hard drives attached to it.
If it is for a PS3 system, you can put in a flash drive, a disk (and download it onto your hard drive), or something like that. You use these from a computer that already has the media (music, videos, etc.) and onto your PS3. Hope that helps! ;)
Yes, but you won't be able to see anything since it uses a proprietary file system. You can format the drive and use it like you would any other drive, but that's about it.
You will need a program called PowerIso to extract files and unzip the files. To download it on your Ps3 you will have to put it either on a DVD-r or a large enough flash drive and load it onto your hard drive.
No you need laptop size harddrives not desk top size harddrives for the PS3
take off the elites hard drive off the back of the xbox and snap it on the other xbox
Go to the PlayStation network and look for the information needed to replace the harddrive including complete procedures see related link to upgrade harddrive