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It depends. If you don't have it, the Wii might play up, and it might not respond to the wii remote or it just loses its accuracy (like mine), but if you have Wii motion plus, then it will be much more accurate at aiming the Wii remote so I would recommend it.

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13y ago

Yes, Skyward Sword will require the Wii Motion Plus accessory.

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10y ago

Sorry, no you can't. We bought Skyward Sword without knowing that you had to have Wii Motion Plus. We had to go back and get a remote with the WMP.

Hope this helps! ;)

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Wii, Wii Remote, Wii Motion Plus, Nunchuck, Skyward Sword, TV

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As of right now the next one will be valley of the flood for the wii u (another 200 bucks out of our pockets) that will be released between 2013 and 2015.

Do you have to have wii motion plus in the Legend of Zelda skyward sword?

yes it is

Can you play legend of Zelda skyward sowrd with out the wii motion plus?

No the game requires the accessory. At the startup a message will appear telling players to insert the motion plus into the wii remote. If this is not done the screen will stay there until it is done.