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You can play as the singer using the kinect sensor, but its not very good

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Q: Can you play Guitar Hero on a Kinect system?
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Can you play Guitar Hero with a guitar from rock band?

You can play Rock band with a guitar hero guitar, but you can't play Guitar Hero with a Rock Band guitar.

How do you play rock band with the Guitar Hero guitar?

If the controllers are for the same system then just plug it in or turn it on and play.

How do you play Guitar Hero 3 with a Guitar Hero 5 guitar?

The same way you play with a GH3 guitar

Can you play Guitar Hero 4 on Guitar Hero world tour?

Guitar Hero World Tour is Guitar Hero 4.

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Which Guitar hero's need to have the guitar controller?

Guitar Hero World Tour and Guitar Hero Metallica

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No Guitar Hero Aerosmith is a standalone Game. You do not need the Orignal GH to play it

Can you use a Guitar Hero guitar to play Guitar Hero world tour?


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Do you have to have Guitar Hero 1 to play guitar 2?

no. guitar hero 2 is just a better version of guitar hero 1.

Can you play Guitar Hero on ps2 with joystick?

No. You have to have a guitar (Can be "Rockband" or "Guitar Hero" guitar or a drum set.)

Do i need a memory card to play guitar hero world tour?

Depends on what system you have.