Modern Warfare 2 (mw2) is rated m for MATURE.
yes u can go to multiplayer and click 2 players not online
X-Box live.
Hi, multiplayer like split screen? nop TDU 2 no multiplayer ofline but in online you can play with other players but with your friend next to you its not possible.
go on your phone it will say 2 players
Yes you can. Go to Multiplayer. Then SplitScreen.
You go To multiplayer
go to the main menu then go to the multiplayer then select 2 player choose ur car then PLAY
You cannot play multiplayer (2-player) on the game. You can however, play online with other players. But you can only do 1 player per console.
2-4 Players are Playable in Multiplayer Mode.
1 if you play in pokepark 2-4 if you do multiplayer atraction