No, the monster spawners are not available as a placeable block, even on Creative.
You can download a mod so you can place mob spawner blocks in creative. But that's the only way unless there is a hack at which you can
you place a lava block down and die
Mob spawners generate naturally in dungeons, strongholds and abandoned mine-shafts. Dungeon spawners can be either; Zombie, Skeleton or Spider. Stronghold spawners will spawn only silverfish and mineshaft spawners spawn only cave spiders. There are mods you can install to change what spawns in a spawner or to be able to pick a spawner up. You can also place spawners in creative mode, but they will only spawn pigs.
its just because you are in creative if you were in survival you would be okay!
You can. Your computer is wrong.
A dungeon in vanilla Minecraft is a naturally generated rectangular underground room made of cobblestone walls, and containing a monster spawner and up to two chests. Dungeons are sought after by many players, as they can contain rare items such as saddles, contain mossy cobblestone in the floor which cannot be found anywhere else, and the spawner can be used to farm experience or the monsters' drops.Dungeons are sometimes found connected to large caverns, and are identifiable by looking for cobblestone that you did not place, as dungeons are the only way cobblestone can be generated aside from flowing lava and water meeting. Once you've entered a dungeon, the spawner can be disabled by placing a torch on each side of it, allowing you to loot the chest/s and the mossy cobblestone safely. You'll need to take the torches off if you plan to farm anything from the spawner though.
Its a place that has a mob spawner that has chests that ahs useful stuff in them its underground but..... When u mine and u find cobblestoen with vines on it then its a dungeon wall so, GET READY TO FIGHT!
There is no way to spawn with a saddle. Saddles are commonly found within dungeon chests. A dungeon has Cobblestone walls Mossy Stone floor and a Mob Spawner in the center. Place a torch on the spawner (If on Easy or higher!) and loot the chest. If you are looking for a seed that spawns you near a dungeon I'd recommend looking at the minecraft forums in the seed topic. You're bound to find one there.
You can't wear armour in creative mode. All you can do is infinitley place and destroy blocks.Actually you could by hacking minecraft... There might be a mod that can help do it that you could download, or you could just go into survival and put it on and then go back into creative.
You need to find a dungeon which has a mob spawner inside. (It looks like a little cage with fire and a miniature version of the mob it will spawn.) Mob spawners can spawn in dungeons zombies, skeletons or spiders. In abandoned mine shafts they can spawn cave spiders. In strongholds they can spawn silverfish. In Nether Fortresses they can spawn blazes.
You need to be in creative mode in order to input commands into the command block.
since the update came out (for survival mode) all you need to do is: a) wait until night or b) make a mob spawner (water+dark place=hostile mobs spawning)