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no you cant killl and cant rob

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Q: Can you kill someone in bully PC game and can you rob banks shops and mug people like take money and things?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of bullyitis?

- a person who is getting into the bully's head - when a bully is into your head and passes it on - when you are becoming a bully - when you get bullied then you get angry with everyone else - when a bully gets into your head - when you catch a bully's meanness - when the bully gets into your head - when a bully bully's someone, they become a bully too - a bully's attitude turns you into a bully - a bully is being mean to you and then you become a bully - someone got into the bully's head and bullys other people - a bunch of bullies come and bully you - when you do something very bad and you don't mean it - bullies are bullying you and then you are sad - someone is being mean to you

Someone who picks on someone else?

Someone who picks on someone else is called a bully. They are not nice people.

What do you call someone that makes fun of people a lot?

a bully

What kinds of trouble can the bully get in after they bully someone?

You people take bullying way to far. Wah wah get over it.

Why is it not good to bully people?

Bully's make people sad and bully's make fun of people and hurt them.

How can one get someone to stop bullying them?

If someone is being bullied and wants to make the bullying stop, there are several things to try. They can report the bully to the police. They can also use a weapon to intimidate the bully.

How do elementary kids bully?

pretty much how any other people would bully they might physically bully like kicking punching and slapping or they might verbally bully like calling people names or they could even cyber bully like posting mean things about people on a webpage.

What does a bully do to cyber bully?

Cyber bullying is when a person uses social networking to bully another person. The bully could use insulting/ hurtful text messages to bully someone or post unkind things about them on Face book etc. The best way to deal with a cyber bully is not to delete the messges you get. Keep them a show them to an adult, friend, or someone willing to help and they will help you sort it out.

What can be describied as a bully?

A bully is someone who hurts someone else in a physical or mental way.

why do we have to go to school and why does people bully others?

because we need to learn new things an two sum people jus bully for no reason but all u need to do is ignore them

Should you bully someone who bullied you?

never bully someone that bullied you because you know how it feels.

Why does WikiAnswers bully you?

No all the people on WIkianswers bully you, only the mean people on Wikianswers bully you. People like the supervisors on bully you.