The gems for the Jungle Ruins quest are located:
Paw Park - Dive Beary Deep
Sportsplex - Bear-2-Bear Racing
Farm - Bobbing Fur Apples
Build-A-Bear Workshop - Bear Hugs
Sportsplex - Bear-2-Bear Baseball
You have to play Bobbing Fur Apples to get the 3rd gem on the Jungle Ruins quest. It's on level 1 and is in a corner out of the bucket.
You have to play and win bear-2-bear racing to get the second gem,good luck! CourtneyBear497 A buildabearville player
You have to get two stones and place them on ether side of ruins and it will cause the ruins to blow up and you have got ten seconds to do it
I haven't been on in a long time. I believe its in Paw Park in the pond game...If you put the riddle in your question, that would help alot. If you have any trouble, repost your question with the riddle. :)
i know how you do it but you have to work it out for yourself add me ellie2hip1200
There are no water stones in the solaceon ruins
go to the jungle in bearville, i think
It is located at the library.
The fountain in the town square
The Pokemon is magmar, he is in the Jungle ruins.
If you go to the Libeary and click on the bear in there, you have can either take the Ancient Egypt or Jungle Ruins quest. Also, when there are special furry friends in town, they'll give out quests.