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You can get Cyndaquill by completing the Hoenn Dex.

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Q: Can you get the Pokemon Cyndaquill in Pokemon Emerald?
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Related questions

How do you get a cyndaquill on Pokemon emerald?

you have to fill up your pokedex

What Region is Cyndaquill in Pokemon?

Cyndaquil is from the Johto region.

How can you get Cyndaquill?

well you havnt told me what game your on =/ You can get it on Emerald by completing your pokedex... but i dont think you can get it on any other game =-} HUGH3S33

How do you get a cyndaquill in Pokemon FireRed?

In order to obtain a Cyndaquil, you have to trade either from Pokémon Emerald (complete the Hoenn Pokédex), Pokémon Colosseum (breed Quilava), Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness or with someone that has one.

Where is the emerald in pkemon emerald?

its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.

What starters can you choose from on Pokemon soul silver?

The Availible Starters Are -Chikorita Grass Type Pokemon -Cyndaquill Fire Type Pokemon -Totodile Water Type Pokemon They Are All Availible In Pokemon HeartGold And, Pokemon SoulSilver

How do you get yanma in emerald?

You cannot get a Yanma in Pokemon Emerald, as only Hoenn Region Pokemon can be found in Pokemon Emerald.

Where can you find Cyndaquill?

cyndaquill is a starter Pokemon such as totodile and chicorita for Pokemon silver and gold so I THINK on leaf green you know the islands bill takes you to he could be there or maby you need to trade but you cant trade between gameboy and gameboy advanced hmmm........I got an idea wait till Pokemon heart gold and soul silver come out they are the DS version of the gameboy game Pokemon gold and silver!!!

How can you become a cyndaquill in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of the sky?

If you're a female, get a calm nature, if you're a male, get a quirky timid.

At what level does Cyndaquil evolve?

Cyndaquil ==> lv 14 Quilava ==> lv 36 Typhlosion

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Where is pal park in Pokemon emerald?

There is no PalPark in Pokemon Emerald.