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You can't really get it as a weapon. It's a sword exclusive to only Sephiroth. You can technically "get it" if you use a Game Shark or whatever it is. Cloud actually has a sword similar to the Masamune called the Yoshiyuki but it's much smaller. To get the model Masamune, I think you have to go through the special battles in the Battle Arena. You'll win one as a prize eventually. I think that's how you get it. But it's useless as it can't be equipped

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Q: Can you get the Masamune in Final Fantasy 7 with a gameshark?
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There are three movies, Final Fantasy spirit within, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children, and Final Fantasy 7 Last Order

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It is mentioned in Final Fantasy 7 after President Shin-Ra dies that nobody has the power to wield the Masamune. But if they did wield each others weapons the end would most likely be the same. Sephiroth getting owned by Cloud.

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The main villian in Final Fantasy 7 is Sephiroth.

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Final Fantasy XII & Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy XIII-2 & Final Fantasy X & Final Fantasy VIII & Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns.P.s: My opinion.

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Final Fantasy 7 did not have sprites. It was the first Final Fantasy game in which the characters were rendered in 3-D.

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It was just called 'Final Fantasy 7'.

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