

Best Answer

As far as I know theres only one. But you can get more by:



to clone a metal coat, give you metal coat to a Pokemon (hold) and make sure

you have 2 empty boxes in your PC.

now switch to the empty box and if it asks you to save answer yes.

(If its already on an empty box, switch to the other empty box because you need to save, or it will glitch)

Deposit the Pokemon holding metal coat to the empty box.

Now switch to another EMPTY box, and when it asks you to save, press yes, and the message "saving don't turn off the power." will come in the bottem of the screen.

as soon as it says "saving don't turn off the p" turn off the power. (don't be afraid you do it to soon or to late, it works around that , "saving don't turn off the pow" will also work.)

now turn on your gameboy again and you will have the Pokemon , with metal coat

in your party and in your box. repeat this to get as many metal coats as you like.

This can be used with any item and Pokemon.

But I do recommand you do NOT do this to much, it won't hurt your game nor your gameboy but it does ruin fun after a while.

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Q: Can you get more then one metal coat in Pokemon gold?
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How can you duplicate metal coat in Pokemon FireRed?

Don't need to because you can get more from leafgreen or Pokemon colosseum and Pokemon xd gale of darkness.

Can you use the Metal Coat item more than once?

No, the Metal Coat is an evolution item that you give to Onix or Scyther before you trade one of them if you want a Steelix or Scizor. Once you traded an Onix or Scyther holding a Metal Coat, your Pokemon will evolve, but they won't be holding a Metal Coat afterwards for you to take back.

How do you get more than one metal coat in Pokemon?

More Than One Metal CoatIn Pokemon Emerald it is possible to clone, so give the metal coat to any Pokemon and clone it. Then you can trade a Pokemon that doesn't evolve while holding metal coats to other versions. Answer in fire red versionThe other one is in down,right,down of the grave of tectonix and one is win battle tower in knockout or mixed.............. Here is a simple way to get alot of metal coats you can buy metal coats with your pokecoupons in Pokemon colosseum and Pokemon xd gale of darkness.

How can a ductility metal be useful?

A metal with good ductility can easily be drawn into wire or rolled into thin sheets. The more ductile a metal is, the finer the wire and thinner the sheets can be. Gold is the most ductile metal; it can be drawn into a sheet one atom thick. (This would allow you to gold-plate something that's nonconductive; rather than trying to coat the metal with a conductive substance, you could coat it with adhesive, lay a sheet of gold foil on it, and put it in a vacuum-bagging system where the gold would be sucked down around the object.)

How can ductility metal can be useful?

A metal with good ductility can easily be drawn into wire or rolled into thin sheets. The more ductile a metal is, the finer the wire and thinner the sheets can be. Gold is the most ductile metal; it can be drawn into a sheet one atom thick. (This would allow you to gold-plate something that's nonconductive; rather than trying to coat the metal with a conductive substance, you could coat it with adhesive, lay a sheet of gold foil on it, and put it in a vacuum-bagging system where the gold would be sucked down around the object.)

How can ductility of a metal be useful?

A metal with good ductility can easily be drawn into wire or rolled into thin sheets. The more ductile a metal is, the finer the wire and thinner the sheets can be. Gold is the most ductile metal; it can be drawn into a sheet one atom thick. (This would allow you to gold-plate something that's nonconductive; rather than trying to coat the metal with a conductive substance, you could coat it with adhesive, lay a sheet of gold foil on it, and put it in a vacuum-bagging system where the gold would be sucked down around the object.)

Is gold a nonmetal metal or metalloid?

Gold is a metalloid or more appropiately defined as a transitional metal.

What does metal coat do in Pokemon?

Metal Coat has a 2 main uses. One, it can be given to a Pokemon to enhance the power of Steel type moves. Note: This does not mean it makes the Pokemon holding it more powerful, only makes makes the moves more powerful.Reason two is that very few Pokemon can evolve by Metal coat, such as Scyther who evolves into Scizor and Onix who evolves into Steelix. In order to make Scyther or Onix evolve first you must make them hold a Metal Coat. You then must trade either Scyther or Onix to another GameBoy WHILE they're are holding Metal Coat, and then they will evolve. Note: Metal Coat can only be obtained on the SS ship below Olivine City. But to access the ship you must first beat the Elite Four. But there is another way to obtain Metal Coat is to get them from a wild Magnemite west of Ecruteak City or north of Olivine City. Note: Getting a Metal Coat off a wild Magnemite is extremely rare seeing how it only has about 1.5% of finding one with Metal Coat attached. But also don't give up because it even took me 4 and a half hours to find one with Metal Coat. I also caught 289 of them till I found it, so don't give up!Hope this helped!P.S This is for G/S/C. I'm not sure where to get it in the other ones.

If you trade a Pokemon holding an item eg Onix needs to hold Metal Coat and be traded to turn to Steelix is the item no more?

unfortunately yes

Where is Groudon on Pokemon Gold?

Groudon is not obtainable on Pokemon gold. For more information on Pokemon visit

Is gold metalic or non metalic?

Gold Is Infact a Metal :D :X

Which weighs more pot metal or 18k gold?

Pot metal is a variable type of alloy. Most of the time the gold will weight more.