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lets see... psyduck can learn everything you need for indigo plataue. you need flash,rocksmash,strength and waterfall. one of your Pokemon might kow surf but if not yu can bring along a tentacool who can learn cut and surf...

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Q: Can you get all HMS on 2 Pokemon on emerald?
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Are there any 2 Pokemon you can put all 8 HMS on?

Yes there is Arceus and Mew. In Pokemon Sapphire Ruby and Emerald Sharpedo and Tropius can learn all 8

How do you get all three starter Pokemon in emerald without trade?

You cannot get all 3 Starter Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald without trading for the other 2.

What is different between HMS 1 and HMS 2?

HM 1 teaches your Pokemon the move "Cut" HM 2 teaches your Pokemon the move "Fly" Be careful when you teach HMs, they cannot be removed from your Pokemon until you find the move deleter.

How do you you teach all HMS to 2 Pokémon on Pokemon emreald?

You have to find a Pokemon that can learn the HM's try these Pokemon: Tentacruel, Relicanth, Wailord, Linoone, Fearow.

Is Pokemon Emerald and pokemon ruby the same?

No. There are several differences. I'll only explain 2 of them. First of all, in Pokemon Emerald you get the abilty to clone Pokemon. The second difference is that Pokemon Emerald have both Pokemon exclusives in Ruby and Sapphire such as having both Kyogre and Groudon.

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how 2 get in the under warter cave on Pokemon emerald

Can you get Pokemon Generation 4 Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald Version?

No. In Pokemon Emerald Version, you can only obtain Pokemon from generations 1, 2 and 3.

Can you trade Pokemon from ruby emerald to Pokemon Stadium 2?


How many Pokemon are on fire red and LeafGreen?

All the 150 Kanto Pokemon exist there as well as a good bunch of Pokemon from Gen 2 and 3. You can't get all of the Pokemon without trading with somebody with Pokemon Emerald.

Is it possible to goto another region in Pokemon emerald?

nope i have scears all 2 jears no sory

What are the HMS on Pokemon LeafGreen?

The HMS in Pokemon leaf green are as follows: 1:Cut 2:Fly 3:Surf 4:Strength 5:Flash 6:Rock Smash 7:Waterfall

What is the difference between Pokemon emerald and Pokemon ruby?

they are 2 different games.