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you get one by killing sum bandits in bout any tomb.......

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Q: Can you get a Daedric bow after you close the oblivion gates on oblivion if so how or where can you get it?
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What is the best weapon for the wood elf on elder scrolls oblivion?

A Daedric Bow OR If you have the Shivering Isles expansion pack, you can get a Madness Bow. There is also a relatively powerful bow you can get in the main Shivering Isles storyline that has a random spell effect upon strike.

What is the best bow in The Elder Scrolls four?

Daedric bow.

Where to find daedric weapons in Skyrim?

you can find them in many shops, try balmora, seyda neen, vivec. if you have the GOTY go to mournhold, travel to gods reach district, there is a manor, cant remember the name of it, its ontop of another manor. hope this useful

Can you go fishing in oblivion?

Technically, no. But you can go 'Bow Fishing'. It's basically fishing with your bow. Or you can swim around and catch slaughterfish.

What all daedric items are mentioned in the tamrielic lore in oblivion?

The book Tamrielic Lore was originally written for the game Morrowind, and so the items described in it are all found in Morrowind, but not all of them are found in Oblivion. They are: Lord's Mail, Ebony Mail, Spell Breaker, Chrysamere, Staff of Magnus, Warlock's Ring, Ring of Phynaster, Ring of Khajiit, Mace of Molag Bal, Masque of Clavicus Vile, Mehrunes Razor, Cuirass of the Saviour's Hide, Spear of Bitter Mercy, Daedric Scourge, Bow of Shadows, Fists of Randagulf, Ice Blade of the Monarch, Ring of Surroundings, Boots of the Apostle, Mentor's Ring, Ring of the Wind, Vampiric Ring, Eleidon's Ward, Staff of Hasedoki, The Bloodworm Helm, Dragonbone Mail, Skull Crusher, Goldbrand, Fang of Haynekhtnamet, Umbra, Denstagmer's Ring, Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw, and Daedric Crescent Blade. Oblivion players will recognize Spell Breaker, Ring of Khajiit, Masque of Clavicus Vile, Mehrunes Razor, Saviour's Hide, Bloodworm Helm, Goldbrand, Umbra and the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw.

What is the best weapon for a mage in skyrim?

My preferred weapon is the Mace of Molag Bal, which you get in markath, when you into the house, and most of the other Daedric Weapons are very good, and you can make them if your smithing level is high enough.

What is the best bow in oblivion IV elder scrolls?

i prefer the deadric bow with 20 fire damage over 5 seconds... if your sneaking and use it its almost and instant kill fo well just about anyone

Where specifically can you find amber Bow and Arrow matrices in the Shivering Isles on Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion?

you cant, they ONLY show up in random treasure

Is bow wow n lil bow wow related?

Bow Wow and Lil bow wow are the same person.he removed the lil from his name when he got older

Can an elephant be killed by bow and arrow?

Yes, it can be killed by a bow and arrow. But u have 2 b very close 2 it. :)

How do you get the deadric bow oblivion?

You must be a higher level for deadric bows to start appearing in the game(level 25, i think). They can be found on certain dremora, and on marauder archers at higher levels.

What is the best item in oblivion?

Bow of hatreds soul. You can find it in a 'the punished' containers in it. No matter what, that thing should do massive damage. Make sure to dupe the arrows though.