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you can become its friend but you cannot use it sorry

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Q: Can you get Rayquaza on PokePark Wii?
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How do you get Rayquaza and zapados on Pokepark?

Sorry, but Zapdos is not in the game.

Where is bayleaf in PokePark Wii?

bayleaf is not on pokepark wii only chikorita is

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No, you can't see mewtwo in pokepark wii

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P-117 in PokePark Wii is Ponyta

How much is PokePark Wii?

Pokepark is around $50 i know because i have it and bought it.

Were do you find girafarig in PokePark Wii?

Not there

Is arceus in PokePark Wii?

no he is not in the game.

Is pokepark on the DS?

Its on a DS,and wii.

How do you get mew to come to the meeting place on PokePark Wii?

as far as i'm conserned mew never comes to the meeting place unless there's a cheat fr it.

Can you get grotle in PokePark Wii?

No, but you can get Turtwig, and Torterra

Where is Pichu in Pokepark wii?

haunted zone

Where is groundon in PokePark Wii?

in the volcano zone