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Actually, yes, you can, but it is illegal. It is called pirating, where you first take apart your video gaming console and do a certain process to mod it so it plays these disks. Then you buy a special disk called SwapMagic so the console can recognize the disk. After that, you get a program where you can download torrents, and then go to a video game torrent site to download the game, then burn the game onto a disk and then play it on the console.

-although it is not illegal if you own the legal rights to the game.

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Q: Can you download video games on cds that already have video games on them?
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Yes. If you download something from limewire to avoid buying it, you are violating copyright. If you own the song already, having the CD or having purchased it from a vendor, then there is no need to download it.

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PC games can be compatible, but if it's something like video games for X-Box, PlayStation, etc., then the console would require modification. Like CDs and DVDs, video game discs are coded by region.

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in cds

What if you dont have the other set up cds for the sims complete collection?

mayby you can buy them or download some (just ask around for download) and otherwise you need to be happy with the games you have now

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yes it can you just need blank cds to copy it but tat is really elliy

How do you download songs to vanBasco karaoke player 2.53?

You dont download songs into your kareoke machine you put in cds to play for you! Look for kareoke cds!:)

Where can you download software?

go on itunes or if you don't want to then buy cds with music already on them and put it in your computer......either that or you can be really stupid and get illegal copies(please don't)