You can just call them at 1800-256-3569 and give them your username and password and tell them what you want to do.
You can't.
u can't
A poptropica person never gets a fever.
to trick the person on poptropica
Go to 24 carrot island's diner to change the color of your hair. You can change the color of you skin in Early Poptropica ;)
you cant they change poptropica for a little while
what do you do after you save the second person on SOS island on poptropica
Go to POPTROPICA.COM and click NEW PLAYER it does not ask for any information except if you are boy or girl and how old are you that's it. Then it gives you a person. Click change all until you like the name. Then go to all of the features and change them until you like your person. Last hop into the poptropica balloon and HAVE FUN!
you can click costemizer then click on someone and choose. or you can hit ctrl shift s or ctrl shift r
The characters in Poptropica do not change size, at least on the regular islands.
I've been playing poptropica for a while and i think you can't actually change your person but you can change their clothes by clicking the green shirt icon in the top left corner on the screen then clicking on another person and then a thing with your person and the other person should show up.When you get that click on the item of clothing you want and tehn press accept and you have your new clothes