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Most videocards are integrated (permanently attached) to the motherboard. So, no.

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Q: Can you change the videocard from your laptop?
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A videocard provides a port for?

A videocard provides a port for monitor because it store some graphics in it

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If you are trying to increase the settings, your videocard may not be able to handle it.

How do you make computer graphic better?

buy a new videocard :)

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Yes, you can.

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on my laptop on the left (the side) there is a thing to change wireless on or off, put the slide thingy on on.

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no, you cannot change it. The upgrade capabilities of the laptop is very few.

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Can you change the video card in a laptop?

It depends on the laptop, if it was a custom one then you can change the video card. You need to check with the computer manufacturer.

Hi i got the game two worlds for PC and i am trying to run it on bootcamp but it always says stuff about my video card not and direct 3D so if any one has had this problem can you pls tell me what to?

your videocard isn't compatible with the game you'll have to buy a new videocard. It's supossed to be a videocard with shader version 2.0 at least but i recommend that it also has 256 mb of memmory.

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