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Not all mothers experience morning sickness. Many feel great throughout the whole pregnancy.

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Q: Can you be pregnant when you don't get sick?
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Related questions

Is it nautral to be sick at 7 months pregnant?

some women are sick through their entire pregnacy, other women dont get sick at all.

Is it normal to feel sick but dont throw up when your pregnant?

i think so .. everyones different

You feel sick every night Are you pregnant?

You could very much so be! Im 9 weeks pregnant and I dont have any nausa until about 9pm! And its been that way since I was 5 weeks!

Could you be pregnant if you feel sickness but dont get sick?

yes If by 'sickness' you mean nauseous of course. but you could also be nauseous from plenty of other things, the only way to tell if youre pregnant is to take a test.

How to become sick?

Dont eat and dont sleep. Think about things that make you nervous. Your stomache will be in circles and it will feel funny. Its not exactly "sick sick" but it does the trick.

Can you get pregnant when your sick with a cough?

Yes, you certainly can.

Are you pregnant if you vomit foam?

No, just sick

Im Feeling something moving in your stomach but not pregnant could i be sick?

dont worry im about 4 weeks take a pregnancy test

You are 4 weeks pregnant you feel sick but have not been sick Is this normal?

Ask your Mom

Can a man get sick if he sleeps with a pregnant women and he's not the father?

Only if she's sick.

5 days late for your period and have a metallic taste in your mouth could you be pregnant?

You could be pregnant. You could be sick. You could be both pregnant and sick. Go see a doctor right away.

In sims 2 the PC game what does it mean if your pregnant sim is sick twice?

Don't worry, if your Sim is pregnant and is being sick, it simply has morning sickness.