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I think the can if you play a long time. If you read your video game manual on the first page it tells you

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Q: Can video games blind you
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What are the release dates for Fresh Baked Video Games - 2006 Blind Gamer?

Fresh Baked Video Games - 2006 Blind Gamer was released on: USA: 2006

What is effect of video games on players?

Thw pla5ters will get blind

Can video games be made for the blind?

no, since they rely on sight. you should check the term video (visible actions recorded).

When does the video of blind side come out?

The Blind Side comes out on March 23, 2010.

How do you fix a window blind on video?

you dont

Can video games make you blind?

No , perhaps your parents lie to you that playing videos game a lot will make you blind no when I was young my mom show me the video of a kid going blind because he play games too much the more I get older the more I realize IT WAS ALL SCRIPT!! and I search it on google and most of the doctors says "No it doesn't make you nor affect your health " the answer is No but you should still spend some times with your family or friend or even do some exercise but I don't really do that answer is NO

Does Denmark have video games?

Yes, Denmark has video games. A lot of video games.

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Video Games

What is the side effects of only play video games what will happen too your body?

you will get lazy and increase in weight if that's all u do u could also become blind

What is the collective noun for games?

It's a compendium of games.

Who is the 'blind' girl in Lionel Richie's hello video?

Her name is Laura Carrington, she's an actress and is not blind in real life.

Where were video games discovered?

Video games were not discovered they were invented.