Shadowmere can be equipped with armour, if you have the Horse Armour Pack plugin.
i have. you get cool armor
daedra, and bandits
Thieves Guild missions.
basically on bandits in ayleid ruins or in bandit camps. If you need to find anything go to Oblivion Wiki or Elder Scrolls wiki.
daedric,elven,dwarven,mythril,orcish,glass,ebony,iron,leather,steel,legion,and chainmail
Working for the Fighters Guild is a quick way to obtain it for some I have heard. Otherwise, you just need to be the proper level for it to begin spawning on foes.
Below in the related links section is a very easy tutorial to mod weapons, armor/clothing, and yourself (Like jump height, speed, health, and a ton of other stuff.
It is daedric armour!
There are six main types of light armour in Oblivion: Fur, Leather, Chainmail, Mithril, Elven and Glass. They are all leveled, so different armour will show up at different times depending on your level, although there are exceptions and three or more are often available at one time.
There's many places where you can get armour, If you go out and kill maruders they usually drop nice armour, as well as bandits and the like, or you can jsut go to an armour shop and buy some, most smiths have armour for sale too.
Light. Heavy armor might get in the way and weigh you down. Light is much more attractive of course ;). Heavy armor does offer a lot of benefits though.
If you are using the PC version, you can open the command console with tilde ( ~ ), and type in: coc testinghall You will then be transported into a room with a lot of doors. Find your way to the door marked "Armor warehouse". Go inside, and you should see most of the armour in the game.