Yes, it can be played on the original Game Boy, despite it being designed to be played on the Game Boy Color. It'll just be played with the Game Boy's monochrome colors, rather than full color as it would be on the Game Boy Color.
Why Soul Silver is about the original Pokemon Silver game for game boy. Soul Silver has some more bonuses.
The only Pokemon Silvers are for GBC (The original Silver) and the new DS game, Soul Silver. There is no GBA game for Pokemon Silver. (Unless you play the GBC game on your GBA...which isn't really anything. )
Yes there will be it is called Pokemon heart Gold and soul Silver it come out 3/14/10 the starters are the same as original Pokemon Gold and Silver
There is no Pokemon Silver game that's exclusively for the Game Boy Advance. While you can play Pokemon Silver on a Game Boy Advance, it was released for the Game Boy.
You can't get Omanyte in-game in Pokemon Silver.
You can play them on: Gameboy colour Gameboy advanced Gameboy pocket? Gameboy advanced SP
Arceus cannot be caught in Silver because it is a 4th generation Pokemon and Silver is 2nd generation game.
Lugia is in Pokemon Silver, Soul Silver, and Heart Gold.
Evolve magicarp. That's in any Pokemon game. :) you can also get a red one in ss or hg, not to mention the original silver,gold,or crystal versions.
Depends on what game you like more if you like Pokemon choose soulsilver expecially if you haven't played the original silver. If you like Mario games choose Mario kart especially because its one of the best wii games out there.
You cannot make a secretbase in SoulSilver. You could only make a secretbase in Diamond and Pearl. The secretbase was not in the original silver game, so Nintendo didn't include it in the SoulSilver game.
No, actually you have to have a Game Boy Color to do that.