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yes, chickens can always go into the chicken coop even when it's winter and their seven weeks old.

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Q: Can 7 week old chickens go in the coop in winter?
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When do you put little chickens in with the big chickens in the same coop?

I would wait until the younger chickens are at least a few months old. The older chickens will peck the younger ones, but they will stop at some point.

How long should we separate new chickens from established ones?

You can put them together right when the chicks are old enough to go in the coop. They will meet the other chickens when they are ready.

Can 7 week old chicks stay with grown chickens?

It is generally not recommended to house 7-week-old chicks with fully-grown chickens, as the size and maturity differences can lead to aggression and potential harm to the chicks. It is best to wait until the chicks are closer in size to the adult chickens before integrating them into the same coop. Providing a separate area or enclosure for the chicks to grow and gradually introducing them to the adult flock can help ensure a smoother transition.

Can chickens safely eat fresh bay leaves?

Chickens can safely eat fresh bay leaves. You can toss some into the chicken coop with them to see if the chickens want to eat them. It is not a good idea to put them with the chicken's food.

How do you get chickens in at night?

I had the same sort of trouble when I got Chickens - Its a bit of a pain, mine are only 17-18 weeks old and had sleep on the floor all there life. But hears what I can suggest for you to do o Put a Light in the Coop at night - Chickens do NOT like the dark so they wander into the coop, when there all in close the door and turn the light off. (This worked for mine! :D ) o Put some treats in the coop - Remember Chickens are scavengers they will do anything for an easy meal, make sure they see you doing it though. o Tempt the with a stick with leaves on it - Remember not to let them get the leaves and guide them up to the coop. (If you only have one or two this works perfectly) o Pick them up. BUT this is a final option if non of the above work. I hope this helps :)

What age can chickens live in the coop?

Chickens can live in a coop from the time they are young chicks, typically around 6-8 weeks old, until they reach the end of their life span, which can be 8-10 years or more depending on the breed and care provided. It is important to ensure the coop provides adequate space, protection from predators, and proper ventilation and sanitation for the chickens to thrive.

How soon can you leave a chick or chicken outside?

That all depends on the climate your in, also if you have a coop or not. Baby chicks should have a place with a heat lamp from day one, the temp should be at least 95 degrees F then it can be dropped down 5 degrees each week after they feather out they can be left outside with an area that the chicks can get access to warmth of a heat lamp (use the red heatlamps) after they are fully feathered about 6 weeks they should be fine as long as its not the middle of winter, I am in Alaska & raise chicks all year but a Temp gage & heatlamp is best

You have 9 hens 2 years old and just put a mature rooster in the coop how long for them to adjust?

the hens should accept the cockrel within one week at the most

What do you put in the chicken coop besides hay before your chicken will lay eggs?

Technically, chickens don't even need hay to lay their eggs. Once they are old enough, around 20 weeks old, they will start laying eggs anywhere they can lay down and nest down in. But it is nice to have a 12 inch by 12 inch box filled with a layer of hay for the chickens to nest in.

How do you keep snacks away from chicken coop?

You can store snacks in a secure container or section of your home that is inaccessible to the chickens. Make sure the chicken coop is securely sealed to prevent any unauthorized entry by the chickens. Alternatively, you can also consider using chicken feeders that can dispense snacks in controlled amounts to prevent overconsumption.

How old is coop in kid vs kat?

coop is from 10-12 so if your 10-12 call here 619

Will my 20 week old rooster attack my 10 week old chick?

Young roosters will "attack" everything. A ten week old chick of any gender will have a hard time defending from a twenty week old bird of either gender. Even at this age chickens maintain a"Pecking order" within a flock and the younger birds are always the subject of abuse by the older crew.