It Opens at 5:00 pm
And Closes at 11:00 pm
The Blue Bar is not open on Wednesdays and Holidays.
After the Birth of your first child the hot springs will be available.
When the game was translated into english, Natsume messed up the coding and the mailbox got disabled.
MiMi or Barney will not appear in the valley until after your child has been born. The circus will not open until the birth of your child.
11am To open the channel you must buy something from Karen's telephone store for 10 days.
Actually, the present you get from her is un-usable! It has no use what so ever! You can sell it for about, 10-20 gold but that's about it... -Jules
You need to have a child.
put it in the refrigerator and it'll be open
I think it's open from the very morning you woke up to around 1:00 in the morning. In other words, you have to stay up all day & night to get to 1:00.
More stands get open as more people move onto the island. More people move on to the island when you create the rainbows.
It is open all the time from 6am to midnight.But you cant stay there.