If you enjoy them, then no. I am 17, and I earn a living from making videos made with littlest pet shop, and then publishing them to YouTube (I'm a partner). Hope this was helpful!
They are kinda famous but not too many girls play with them any more I hoped that hepled
It is.
The Secret Code for the Littlest Pet Shop Online Dancing Dog is: APNQ-YSAL-LXRH-V4XC Type the dashes in too!!!!!!!
For Wii I think Littlest Pet Shop is good. For DS i think Nintendo dogs is great too.
Probably it's your first time playing it. That happened to me too.
I spent quite a while trying to figure that out, too. It's in Laughing Labs, in Waggington.
Yes they do. I have one. they come in many colors too. Mine is brown. If you are looking to buy one, try eBay.
yes, yes, and I am saying yes for know reason because you are talking too fast and not thinking about what you should say
No because it is too old.
sara bella littlest pet shop clubpenguin elite force pokemon diamond and pearl versions puppyz catz and alot more too
pawn shops or there are certain coin collectors that will buy
because it is too cold