

Are you a doornob

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Are you a doornob
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The doornob

What type of simple machine is a doornob?

wheel and axle

Is a lever a doornob?

No.It is not a lever ,It is a wheel and axle.

Another word for feeling like a?

feeling like a b or doornob

How do you open doors?

If the doornob twists you must a) Grasp the doornob b)Twist it left or right c) Push or Pull the door open OR Alternatively you could smash the door down

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what if when u put the doornob on the shed its still lock in virtual family

Why v8 doorbell called v8?

cause mostly pepole think that is the shape of the doornob .Or because they wanted to make a crazy name.

What are the top ten ways to lose a tooth?

eat candy,eat hard stuff and if is relly loose then u can tie dentalfloss to your tooth and the other side to the doornob and yank

Scene names that start with D?

darling,dammit,doornob,dagger,daisy,dragon,damaged,damsdel ,dance,dark,darkened,dashed,dash,dawn, dazzled. Like any of thoses?(:

What part of a doornob is a wheel?

The part of a doorknob that is considered a wheel is the rotating mechanism inside the knob that allows it to turn and operate the latch mechanism to open or close the door.

How do you give a wedgie?

you can twist your undies in front (or back) once (briefs). then you can put the loop that the twisting made and put the loop onto a doornob.

How do you pull out a tooth quick? some numb cream then rub it on your teeth 2. wash your hands with clean water 3.hold your teeth firmly 4.dig your nails in the bottom of your tooth 5. and yank it works like a charm and it doesnt hurt at all! another way: just chew gum if its really loose warning: NEVER use the doornob trick cuz that can cause damage to the gum