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No. There's an FBI vehicle but its marked because it has FBI logos on it.

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Q: Are there any unmarked police cars in saints row 2?
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Why do some police cars have registration tags while other police vehicles are state exempt requiring no tags?

Vehicle registrations are simply a state tax to use the roads in that state. Police, Fire, water department, schools, and any other municipally owned vehicle is registration exempt. Meaning, the state does not tax itself. As for unmarked police cars. The registration tag may look the same as the one on your POV, but the registration fee was not actually paid to DMV by the department which owns the car.

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There is no standard collective noun for police cars.The standard collective noun for police is a posse of police.The standard collective noun for cars is a fleet of cars.When there is no specific collective noun, any noun that suits the situation can be used, for example a chase of police cars, a procession of police cars, a swarm of police cars, etc.

What are unmarked bills?

Unmarked bills are paper currency that does not have any external markings to denote which bank they came from. Unmarked bills are common in the banking industry.

Are police cars bullet proof?

Generally speaking, no. Not any more than any other car.

What cars do police departments use for pursuits?

Any really, Usually Vauxhall's or BMW's

What do you do in Saints Row?

Any thing you can do in Grand Theft Auto - kill stuff, jack cars, do missions, and create and customize your character.

What can you do in saints row?

Any thing you can do in Grand Theft Auto - kill stuff, jack cars, do missions, and create and customize your character.

Does a unmarked police car have to pull you over to give you a ticket?

Yes, the way they pull you over is they have lights in behind the grille and they have lights in the back window and sometimes they have lights on there mirrors. The answer is No they can not ticket you .... For one it is an unmarked car police officer or not just because they have lights where ever does mean anything ... they have no stickers magnets or decals stating who they are they may have a badge but still they can not ticket you if they pull you over they can check ur licese and registration or whaatever but they have to call for back up .. been there trust me i fought it in court and won the traffic judge told the undercover officer it is illegal to ticket while driving an unmarked car

Does Walmart have any remote control cars?

Walmart sells a variety of remote control cars. They sell remote controlled, trucks, cars, race cars, trains, and even police cars.Above and beyond this they also sell remote controlled helicopters.

What is unmarked structure?

An unmarked structure in linguistics refers to a common or default form that does not require any additional markings, such as plural markers on nouns. It is considered the basic or simplest form in a language.

If you spin out in the snow and hit a guardrail no other cars are involved and the police make a report but do not issue any tickets is the insurance company informed and can they find out?

The police do not normally contact insurance companies.

If ther is no police video in a vechivle evading arrest charge in Texas can you beat case?

Probably not. People were arrested and convicted for evading long before any police cars had cameras.Except that. . .They must prove that you were fleeing and knew the person you were fleeing from was a police officer (PC §38.04). Any statements you made will be used to prove these elements. (Never-ever make any statements to police (upon being stopped) besides your name and date of birth--assert your 5th Amendment rights--and your 4th!) You could have been showing off and just driving real fast or speeding away from some situation and didn't notice the flashing lights behind you and couldn't hear the siren above your blazing stereo. Was the police car marked or unmarked with hidden lights? You need an attorney as this is a state jail felony that carries a minimum of 180 days confinement and a maximum of two years, plus a possible fine up to $10,000.