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By earning badges, I guess you mean on space stage? or for My achievments? My achievements there is NO CHEAT. Space stage ditto. UNLESS. . . you are willing to download a trainer. If you are willing to download a trainer in order to achieve Space Stage Badges, I recommend searching "Spore Trainer" Or "Spore Space Trainer" OR "Spore Mega Trainer" I Found A Really Good one that I use by someone called KelSat :) I really hope I helped! Rachel57 [spore username]

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Q: Are there any cheats for earning badges on spore?
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There are no badges in any of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. Earning gym badges isn't the goal, I'm afraid.

Are there any cheats on spore if there are what are they?

hold CTRL SHIFT AND C abox will come up type help and a list of codes and what they do will come up.

Are there any cheats for pixie hollow like getting all badges and stuff?

=hello there is a code to get a party instead of being a member but it is.......... gjngghl=

How do you get all the badges in SPORE Creatures for DS?

You ought to install a mod that does that. There's no console command that does this function. However, you can obtain the Joker badge using any command amid playing the Space stage, such as 'evoadvantage' or 'levels -unlock'. Be aware that the Joker badge disables achievements.

How do you disable cheats on spore?

im pretty sure you cant, i dont advise you to try. i did it to mine and i couldnt get any acheivements after. if you can get the pc version, its soo much better just make sure u have the system requirements on your pc/mac

Is spore any different then spore creature creator?

There is Spore, the game, and the Spore Creature Creator, which is part of the game. All versions of Spore the game have the Spore Creature Creator included with them. It is true that the Spore Creature Creator can be played with by itself, but it is not a is a neat art tool.

Do you have to be violent in spore?

No, in spore you can win the game without doing any violent acts

What are all tha badges in Animal Crossing?

There are no badges in any of the Animal Crossing games.

Are there any zwinky cheats?

There are no longer any cheats.

How do you get industrious in Spore?

Go to They give you a guide on how to become any trait you want in Spore.

What level do Pokemon obey you with the gym badges?

2 badges - up to level 30 4 badges - up to level 50 6 badges - up to level 70 8 badges - any level will obey you