

Best Answer

Yes, you take care of your and others pets

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Q: Are there any cheats for FooPets Starpoints?
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Are there any cheats for foopets?


How do you get starpoints on foopets?

you get friend reqest you feed your pet

What are cheats for foopets?

I have a Foopets account to, but sadly we found no cheats on Foopets, i am sorry i was sad to when i found out. :( no cheats

Are there cheats for FooPets on MySpace?

No there are no cheats for foopets on myspace and just regular foopets.

Is there any cheat or trick to breed pokeys on foopets?

No. there are no cheats on foopets. Pokeys cannot be bred anymore. By Moggiee at foopets.

How can you lvl your starpoints faster on foopets?

Instacaring your pets and other peoples pets. I always do that and it works!

Is their cheats for foopets?

There are no cheats for FooPets, and even if their would be a way to cheat the game, you would be breaking the Terms of Service.

What happens if you sell your last pet on foopets?

All your starpoints will be set back to 0. You will then become a Foobie.

Cheats for foo dollars in foopets?

i said what is the cheat for foopets to get foodollars There is no cheat.

How do you get fookarma points on foopets?

An easy way is to go to and you`ll get FooKarma (Now Called Starpoints) easier. The basic way is to Feed, Water, and Play with your pet.

How do you erase your foopets?

You cannot "erase" your FooPets. If you wish to no longer have a pet that you own, you may sell that pet to another member in the Breeding Forum of FooPets, or you may send that pet to the Foo Shelter. However, be advised that sending a pet to the shelter will cost you dearly in Starpoints.

Where is the foopets shelter?

The FooPets shelter is located here: Be advised that in order to send a FooPets pet to the shelter, you must first be logged into your account, and have a pet you wish to send to the Shelter. Additionally, be aware that sending pets to the shelter will cost you dearly in Starpoints.