

Are the star clusters in Mass Effect real?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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13y ago

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only a very small sum of them.

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Q: Are the star clusters in Mass Effect real?
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What are two types of star clusters?

Two types of star clusters are open clusters, which contain young stars and are loosely bound together, and globular clusters, which contain older stars and are densely packed in a spherical shape.

What does a galaxy include?

global clusters, open clusters and star clusters. (:

What does a galaxy have clusters of?

A galaxy typically has several star clusters.

Are star clusters closer to earth than milkeyway?

Star clusters are typically located within the Milky Way galaxy. While there are some star clusters that are closer to Earth than other parts of the Milky Way, overall the Milky Way galaxy contains a vast number of star clusters that are more spread out.

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Are there any clusters on the Andromeda?

Any major galaxy has LOTS of star clusters, including globular clusters, if that's what you mean.

How do the numbers of low-mass stars compare with those of higher-mass stars in new star clusters?

In a newly formed star cluster stars with low masses must greaty out number stars with high masses. High mass stars are rare and low mass stars are extremely common.

The milky way galaxy has 158 star clusters that orbits in space if each of these star clusters contain 100000 stars how many stars exist in these clusters?

The question contains the answer 100,000. "if each of these star clusters contains 100,000 stars, how many stars exist in these clusters" If you mean the total number, are you seriously saying you don't know how to multiply 100,000 by 158?

What is a group that is closer together than the surrounding stars is called an?

A group of stars that are closer together than the surrounding stars is called a star cluster. Star clusters can be divided into two main types: open clusters and globular clusters, with open clusters being more loosely bound than globular clusters.

How are star clusters distributed in the sky?

Open clusters lie along the Milky Way and half of the globular clusters are in or near the constellation Sagittarius.

Does the title Main Sequence refer to the arrangement of star clusters or to that of individual stars depending on mass spectral type and luminosity?

The analysis is done for individual stars.

What is a huge star group called when it rotates around a common center?

A huge star group that rotates around a common center is called a star cluster. Star clusters can be classified into two main types: globular clusters, which are tightly packed groups of stars, and open clusters, which are looser groupings of stars.