Yes Stormcloaks are racist towards everyone who is not from Skyrim.
The Khajiit do not have a temple in Skyrim, or anywhere else in Tamriel.
Someone who is racist, whether it be towards their own race or any other is a racist or has a prejudice towards their own race. In Psychology, this kind of racism is called Internalized Racism.
Racist means discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race
Racist means discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race
Imperials are better, they are trying to set up a government while the stormcloaks are starting a war they can't win
Absolutely, Mark Wahlberg is Racist towards Asian People and and used Racist Epithets towards Black Kids on a Field Trip, and called a Asian Man a Gook.
It depends on how one uses the term "white racist". To some, white racist is someone who is white and they are also racist. To others, however, a white racist is someone who is racist exclusively towards white people.
If he's racist, find a friend who is not. Most never change.
There is a troop of Khajiit merchants that you would have to randomly encounter in the vasts of skyrim. A male khajiit guard will have a quest for you to do that involves hunting down a "moon amulet" that was taken by bandits. Get it back for him and he will offer to join you.
They treated him wrongly and were racist.
I dont think he is.
Greenday isn't racist towards anyone. They respect and love people of all races