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They are harmless, and the legend that they attck boats and ships isn't true.

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Q: Are squid harmless
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What happens if the ink like substance from a squid gets squirted on a person?

Squid ink is harmless to humans, and mostly consists of the pigment melanin mixed with mucous. In fact, it is edible. However, it would stain clothes.

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Becouse the whale shark has no sense of smell or taste so it eats coral, fish,and squid! ;) Chloe White (7th grader)

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The Humboldt squid and the Giant Squid are two separate species

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What is the biggest squid in the world?

The biggest squid in the world is the colossal squid.

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The Giant Squid is a cousin of the Squid.

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Squid by far. Squid by far.

Are squid rare?

Most are fairly common like the Common squid, but the giant squid and the colossal squid are rare.

How much ink does a squid have?

The squid's ink amount depends on the size of the squid. The ink is used to confuse and paralyze the squid's attacker so that the squid can escape.