

Best Answer

it used fioe making drills

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Q: Advantage and disadvantage of drilling machine?
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What foam of advantage and disadvantage of flowing drilling fluid?

There is no advantage with foam in drilling fluid. When drilling fluid is foaming, it's not cooling or lubricating.

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An advantage is you get paid. A disadvantage is you can get your hair stuck in a machine.

What is a sensitive drilling machine?

A sensitive drilling machine is an upright drilling machine. However, a radial drilling machine is also considered a sensitive drilling machine.

What is one advantage and one disadvantage of a bank?

Advantage - You can use your account for online bill pay. Disadvantage- The bank charges you Atm fee when you have to get money from another machine.

What are advantage and disadvantage of machine?

if you have a machine it will explode on your face when it gets explodid and your face will fall off! yasm! WEETABIX!

What is the number of times the machine multiplies force called?

The number of times a machine multiplies force is referred to as the mechanical advantage.

What is a pedestal drilling machine?

pedestal drilling machine is a machine.... which is used for drilling metals and other elements... it is used in industries to make machine holds etc..

What is the disadvantage and disadvantage of thresher machine?

One advantage of a thresher machine is that it can efficiently separate grain from the plant, saving time and labor during harvest. One disadvantage is that it can be expensive to purchase and maintain, making it less accessible to small-scale farmers.

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What are the advantage and disadvantage of fidelio?"